Are you a little kid with a big heart who wants to be on the podcast? Learn more.

Little Kids, Big Hearts is a winner in the 2023 Signal Awards! We were the top winner in category of the Signal Listener’s Choice (THANK YOU TO OUR AMAZING LISTENERS, NEAR AND FAR!) and the Signal Jury awarded us a silver award for making one of the single best podcast episodes for kids and families in the whole year. The episode that was selected by the Signal was our episode about trying new things. Have a listen!
Season 2 & Season 3
Episodes and extras for season 2 and season 3 are available on our Sparkler website. You’ll find the full episodes and bonus episodes of our podcast, as well as learning activities and educator guides; original music videos; and much more!
What Listeners are Saying
Season 1
Little Kids, Big Hearts Trailer
What's in Your Heart?
What Makes YOU Special?
What Can You Do With Big Feelings?
What Makes a Good Friend?
What is Empathy?
Let's Work It Out!
Bonus Episode: A Back to School Like No Other
How to Help
How to Stand Up
Two-Part Season 1 Finale: How To Be a Global Citizen
Interactive Map: How to Be a Global Citizen
Some kids eat quesadillas for breakfast, some eat iddli, and some eat cereal — but there is SO MUCH that kids around the globe share in common!
Meet Marcus from Japan, Gaurav from India, Ella from Australia, Nils Jr. from Norway/USA, Eva from Venezuela, Sophia from England, and Lucy and Emaline from Scotland to explore the idea of “global citizenship” and what it means to share one, big world.
Listen to our two-part Season 1 Finale: How to be a Global Citizen.
Do you want to hear from MORE global kids and join the global conversation? Visit our new interactive map!
Listen to Part I and II below, or on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you find podcasts!
Discussion Guide for Families and Educators
Listen and discuss the Little Kids, Big Hearts podcast with children (aged 3-8) to explore what it means to have a “big heart.” You can use the podcast to support social and emotional learning and spark conversations at your home or in your classroom.
- What’s in Your Heart — Episode 1 / Episodio 1:
- Discussion Guide for parents/caregivers and educators (English)
- Guía de debate para padres y educadores (Español)
What Makes YOU Special? — Episode 2 / Episodio 2:
- Discussion Guide for parents/caregivers and educators (English)
- Guía de debate para padres y educadores (Español)
What Can You do With Big Feelings? — Episode 3 / Episodio 3:
- Discussion Guide for parents/caregivers and educators (English)
- Guía de debate para padres y educadores (Español)
What Makes a Good Friend? — Episode 4 / Episodio 4:
- Discussion Guide for parents/caregivers and educators (English)
- Guía de debate para padres y educadores (Español)
What IS Empathy? – Episode 5 / Episodio 5:
- Discussion Guide for parents/caregivers and educators (English)
- Guía de debate para padres y educadores (Español)
Let’s Work It Out! — Episode 6 / Episodio 6:
- Discussion Guide for parents/caregivers and educators (English)
- Guía de debate para padres y educadores(Español)
A Back to School Like No Other — Bonus Episode/Episodio Extra
- Discussion Guide for parents/caregivers and educators (English)
- Guía de debate para padres y educadores (Español)
How to Help — Episode 7/Episodio 7:
- Discussion Guide for parents/caregivers and educators (English)
- Guía de Debate para Padres y Educadores (Español)
How to Stand Up — Episode 8/Episodio 8:
"Hi" from the Host

The host of Little Kids, Big Hearts, Todd Loyd, has worked in education for 26 years. Todd started his career as an actor, director, and artistic director. He became a teacher after the life-changing experience of working one-on-one with a child living with autism. He currently teaches in New York City, where he also serves as the Social and Emotional Learning Coordinator for the Early Childhood Division. “Children can experience the same kinds of crazy-mixed-up-scrambled-egg emotions and feelings as the adults in their lives,” says Todd. “It has never been more important than it is this year, to help and support children in identifying and expressing what they are thinking and how they are feeling.” Todd holds an M.S in Early Childhood & Special Education. He’s pictured here with his friend Rayas!
The Little Kids, Big Hearts Podcast
Little Kids, Big Hearts is a podcast that can help parents and educators introduce big topics in social and emotional learning to their children. The podcast, which is hosted by an early childhood educator, explores what it means to have a big heart and how to grow one with episodes focused on identity, friendship, and standing up for others.
Little Kids, Big Hearts is a proud member of Kids Listen!