Big Heart World Unit 1: Identity and Belonging

Mirror and Dressup

The question, “Who am I?” seems simple, but it can take a lifetime to answer! Children start learning about themselves when they are babies: They wiggle their fingers! They touch their feet! They develop loving relationships with family members, which help them develop a sense of belonging! By around their first birthday, children realize that the person looking back at them in the mirror is “me,” and by about two, they can recognize themselves in photos.

Children learn more and more about who they are and how they fit into the world as they grow — and their parents, caregivers, and educators can help them along the way. The materials in Unit 1 enable parents, caregivers, and educators to help children understand their “identity” — who they are, from their skills and passions to their language and culture, to the other things that make them them. Helping a child develop a strong sense of self will help them grow their self-esteem, self-awareness,  and confidence — all vital components of healthy brain and child development.

Read to Explore Identity

Little Blue and Little Yellow

Read picture books that explore ideas of identity to understand the big ideas of “identity and belonging.”

Read and use discussion questions, including: 

  • What makes the main character feel like a superhero?
  • Is there anything that makes YOU feel like a superhero?

Listen to Explore Identity

Little Kids Big Hearts

Listen to Little Kids, Big Hearts to explore identity and belonging with your child. In this episode, our host, Todd, and his four- and five-year-old guests discuss the qualities and skills that make them special and uniquely themselves. 

Use our discussion guide, in English and Spanish, to explore the meaning of a name, the importance of family in forming identity, and more. 

Read to Explore Identity

Little Blue and Little Yellow

Read picture books that explore ideas of identity to understand the big ideas of “identity and belonging.”

Read and use discussion questions, including: 

  • What makes the main character feel like a superhero?
  • Is there anything that makes YOU feel like a superhero?

Interact to Explore Identity

Interactive Heart Map

Explore identity and belonging with your child. Understand what makes them special and what makes other people special with this interactive tool. 

Sing and Dance to Explore Identity

Listen to Like Nobody Else from Noggin’s Big Heart Beats Album to explore identity and belonging with your child. 

Find an interview with the artists and activities to play to dive into the topic!

Illustrate Your Own Book to Explore Identity


Kids can color along to create their own book, which explore many aspects of identity from what we look like to our special skills to our family. 

Play to Learn About Identity and Belonging

Family Flag
Mirror Play
Real Life Superhero