Practice "Problem Solving" Words

  • Appreciate – to recognize the worth/value of
  • Collaborate– to work together, sharing ideas, skills, or knowledge to achieve a common goal
  • Compromise – to settle an argument by agreeing to both give something up
  • Cooperate – to work together 
  • Empathy – to understand and share the feelings of someone else
  • Exclude – to leave out 
  • Friend – someone who you like and who likes you back
  • Goal – something that you decide that you want and work hard to achieve
  • Helpful – giving or ready to give help
  • Include – to invite someone else to share in an activity or privilege 
  • Invite – to request someone’s presence 
  • Join – to bring together 
  • Kindness – the quality/state of being kind (sympathetic or helpful nature)
  • Listen – to hear something with thoughtful attention 
  • Love – strong affection
  • Patience – in the habit of continuing to try, even when things are difficult
  • Problem – a situation that prevents you from achieving something
  • Satisfied – happy or pleased with something
  • Share – to have in common or use together
  • Solve – to find the answer
  • Take turns – to do something one after another in succession 
  • Teamwork – the equal work of individuals in a group towards a common goal
  • Value – to rate highly
  • Vote – a formal expression of opinion or choice