Big Heart Beats: Help Work It Out

Learn From the Lyrics!

Play, Dance, and Discuss to Help Children Learn The Song's Lessons

Dance Together!

Skills: Wellness, Social and Emotional

How to Play:

Sing and dance along. Babies will enjoy moving with you as you dip, sway, and spin. Bigger kids can dance what they feel as they listen to the song. Bonus points if you can dance with a friend and learn new moves from each other. Dancing together is one way for people to build strong attachments and create warm memories.

Work It Out

Skills: Social and Emotional Skills, Communication

How to Play:

Help characters from your favorite stories find new ways to resolve their differences. Read a story together and brainstorm different ways the characters could compromise to solve problems they face. How would your twist on the story change the ending? 


Skills: Social and Emotional Development, Empathy

How to play:

Pretend you're a "mediator." Your job is to help two friends who disagree to work out their problem. What will you say to help your friends? How do you think they'll react? What other strategies could you try? 

Show You Care

Skills: Social and Emotional Skills, Communication Skills

How to Play:

The first step in working out interpersonal problems is showing the other person that you care! Show you care by making a card, an art project, or a snack to share with another person.

Lyrics to Noggin's "A Friend Like You"

It’s okay when people disagree,

We all see things differently.

But if you ever see two people getting fed up,

Show me how ya step up!


And help work it out,

Help work it out!

There’s no need to shout,

So help work it out!

Though sometimes people see things differently,

We can all live peacefully

If we can help to work it out!


Sometimes it’s just sayin “hey

We can all take turns, okay?” 

Sometimes you gotta help friends chill, 

Take a breath of air

If we all stay cool, we’re half way there! 

‘Cause in disagreements, what’s often missing 

Is a willingness to listen

To each and everybody’s point of view—

It might be up to you!

To help work it out!

Help work it out!

I’ve got no doubt,

You’ll help work it out!


Though sometimes people see things differently, 

We can live in harmony

If we can help to work it out!



When you see a problem’s going down 

Communicate to those around 

The first step is to just calm down 

And you’ll help work it out!


Help them to step back a bit

And see there are ways of solving it 

It might take time but just don’t quit 

And you’ll help work it out!


Help work it out!