Learn "Helping" Vocabulary

When you practice vocabulary words with your child, you help them learn the words that they’ll need to express their big ideas. Here are some words you can practice related to helping.

  • Appreciate – to recognize the worth/value of
  • Collaborate– to work together, sharing ideas, skills, or knowledge to achieve a common goal
  • Community – a group of people with something in common
  • Cooperate – to work together
  • Donor – a giver
  • Empathy – to understand and share the feelings of someone else
  • Exclude – to leave out 
  • Fair – without favoring anyone or anything
  • Friend – someone who you like and who likes you back
  • Goal – something that you decide that you want and work hard to achieve
  • Helpful – giving or ready to give help
  • Include – to invite someone else to share in an activity or privilege 
  • Invite – to request someone’s presence 
  • Join – to bring together 
  • Kindness – the quality/state of being kind (sympathetic or helpful nature)
  • Listen – to hear something with thoughtful attention 
  • Love – strong affection
  • Need – a necessity like food, water or shelter
  • Patience – in the habit of continuing to try, even when things are difficult
  • Problem – a situation that prevents you from achieving something
  • Satisfied – happy or pleased with something
  • Share – to have in common or use together
  • Solve – to find the answer
  • Take turns – to do something one after another in succession 
  • Teamwork – the equal work of individuals in a group towards a common goal
  • Thankful – feeling gratitude or appreciation for something or someone
  • Understand – to know what something means