Advice From the Artists: Take the Message of “Celebrate Our Difference” to Heart

This past year has highlighted society’s differences: politics, faith, race, and culture have divided people.
The newest song from Noggin’s Big Heart Beats Album, “Celebrate Our Difference” uses a 1920s era sound with a modern vibe to recast people’s differences as a cause for celebration.
“I live in Minneapolis, and we’ve had a lot of tension here this past year due to our differences,” said one of the songwriters, Grayson DeWolfe. “This song is hopefully a great example of how to teach kids the importance of respecting and loving one another for their differences, not just loving others despite them.”
Grayson — along with Chris Sernel (a.k.a. Oh, Hush!) and Matt Richert (a.k.a. Mattrik) — created the song to encourage kids (and their grown-ups) to stop ignoring people’s differences and to start building a more open, accepting society.
“Everybody is different. And I think difference often scares people a little bit. But difference is great! Difference is fun!” Chris said. “We can learn from each other’s differences and become better, smarter and more well-rounded, fulfilled people if we celebrate difference instead of shy away from it.”
Today's Kids Can Turn the Lyrics of "Celebrate Our Difference" Into Change
The artists encouraged learning about others by asking them about themselves and what they believe, or by immersing yourself in other cultures; these things can help people understand different perspectives.
“We live in a time where we immediately judge people, issues, topics, etc. etc. and I think we need to do more research to create a better understanding of each other,” Matt said. “Disagreements are often born from misunderstandings.”
The artists said they’re hopeful that today’s kids can learn to celebrate differences.
“The younger generation hasn’t been jaded by social media or adults just yet,” Chris said. “They can see all of the positives that come from difference. The ability to learn new things, new approaches, make new friends with different perspectives. They can change the fear of difference by celebrating it and amplifying the positives of it.”
Learn From the Lyrics!
Play, Dance, and Discuss to Help Children Learn The Song's Lessons
Dance Your Difference!
Skills: Wellness, Social and Emotional
How to Play:
Sing and dance along. Babies will enjoy moving with you as you dip, sway, and spin. Bigger kids can dance what they feel as they listen to the song. See if each person can dance with their own different dance moves to show off their own unique way of dancing. Dancing together is one way for people to build strong attachments and create warm memories.
Celebrate Our Drumming!
Skills: Social and Emotional Skills, Focus & Problem Solving, Arts
How to Play:
Help children build rhythm and focus by drumming along to the song “Celebrate Our Difference.” Use a toy drum or a pot turned upside down. See if your child can keep the beat!
Different Party!
Skills: Social and Emotional Development, Empathy
How to play:
The song “Celebrate Our Difference” encourages listeners to celebrate the things that make them unique. Take a moment to literally celebrate those things. Have a family (or classroom) party to celebrate what makes you different. Bring something — a food, a song, a hobby, etc. — that makes you special and different and share it with everyone else.
What Makes Us Unique
Skills: Social and Emotional Skills
How to Play:
The lyrics to “Celebrate Our Difference” encourage listeners to celebrate the things that make them unique — from their ways of playing to the languages they speak. Talk about the things that make each of YOU unique and why they’re special. Illustrate your favorite super differences.
Big Heart Beats: Celebrate Our Difference
Listen, Sing, Dance, and Play to Help Children Celebrate the Differences that Make us Awesome
Lyrics to Noggin's "Celebrate Our Difference"
by Oh, Hush!, Grayson DeWolfe, and Mattrik
We’ve all got different faces
We come from different places
Everybody’s got somewhere that they’re from!
And so, some speak a different language
Have different ways of playin’
The whole wide world is bigger than us
So we…celebrate our difference
We each have our traditions
It’s great if someone is different than me
So we…celebrate our difference
We each have our traditions
It’s great if someone is different than me
We have different religions
We have unique opinions
But we can all still get along
‘Cuz when we
Always love one another
Learn more ‘bout other cultures
We learn the world is bigger than us!
So we…celebrate our difference
We each have our traditions
It’s great if someone is different than me
So we…celebrate our difference
We each have our traditions
It’s great if someone is different than me!
La da da da da da da
La da da da da da da
It’s great if someone is different than me
La da da da da da da
La da da da da da da
It’s great if someone is different than me!