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Who Needs It

Who Needs It? (For Little Kids and Big Kids)

Age Groups: Big Kids, Little Kids
Skills: Comprehension, Helping, Independence, Math


  • Bags or Boxes


  • Let’s share like Peppa Pig and Rebecca Rabbit or your own favorite kind-hearted characters!
  • Let’s look through your toys and select some to pass along to someone else.
  • We can look for toys that you’ve outgrown, toys that you don’t play with often, or duplicate toys.
  • Let’s sort your toys into two categories: toys that you will use and toys that you can donate.
  • When we’re done, let’s count the toys in each category. How many are you going to keep and how many will we donate?
  • Let’s pack up the toys to donate along with some other items from our home that we no longer need and bring them to a local charity.
  • Let’s think of other ways that we can help the charity! What things do they need that we can help them get?


Donate - to give to a charity or good cause
Donation - something given to a charity or good cause
Donor - a giver
Help - to aid