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Community Colors

Age Groups: Babies, Big Kids, Little Kids, Toddlers
Skills: Empathy, Identity


  • Let’s use my smartphone to take a close-up picture of our skin.
  • Look at the pictures of you and me — what colors do we notice? How can we describe our colors? Is the color of our skin similar or different?
  • Let’s upload our skin tone pictures to the Big Heart Community Colors Project! People’s skin can be so many different colors — and every single one is beautiful!
  • Toddlers and bigger kids can think about people they know with different skin colors — do any of the skin tones in the Big Heart Community look similar to our skin or the skin of people we know?
  • Follow your child’s lead and answer their questions openly and honestly. Extend the conversation by talking about how some people judge or even harm others because of their skin color. This is wrong — and it’s something that we need to work together to change.


  • Skin: the outer covering of something
  • Tone: a tint or shade of a particular color
  • Melanin: the pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color