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My Vision Board

Age Groups: Big Kids, Little Kids
Skills: Expression, Helping, Identity


  • Large paper or cardboard, images from magazines, printed photos, and other art supplies


  • Let’s make vision boards to help us achieve our big goals!
  • First, let’s each think of something about ourselves that we would like to make better. Do you want to be a good friend or learn a new language? Could I exercise more or learn to play the guitar?
  • Next, let’s look through old magazines for images to cut out that represent our goals and what it will feel like when we achieve them. We can include words and pictures — anything that inspires us to work hard to achieve our goals. We can also draw pictures! Let’s be sure to include a photo of ourselves feeling happy and proud!
  • Let’s arrange and glue or tape the pictures onto a large piece of paper or cardboard. Let’s decorate our vision boards and hang them someplace where we can see them regularly as we work toward our goals!


Vision - the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom
Goal - aim or purpose
Inspire - fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something