
Slide THE ACTIVITY At the Doctor's Office:
Leading With Empathy
You can use this illustration to open up a conversation about how everyone — no matter how they look, where they’re from, or what language they speak — has feelings.
Slide LESSON At the Doctor's Office:
Leading With Empathy
No matter what we look like, we all have hearts and feelings — that’s a way ALL people are the same! Thinking about how someone else feels can help us get to know them better. It can inspire us to have empathy for others, which helps make a kinder world.
Slide TIP At the Doctor's Office:
Leading With Empathy
Identifying emotions is a critical skill for young children to practice. When you work on this with your child, remind them that everyone experiences different feelings! Sometimes we even feel two feelings at once.
Slide TO BEGIN At the Doctor's Office:
Leading With Empathy
Explore the illustration and encourage your child to tell you what they notice. You might ask:
• Where do you think these children are?
• Let’s look at their faces and bodies. How do you think they are feeling?
• Do you go to the doctor sometimes? How do you feel when you are at the doctor’s office?
• What do your face and body look like when you feel [nervous, happy, sad, angry…]?
Slide I SPY At the Doctor's Office:
Leading With Empathy
The goal of this activity is to help children see the things they have in common with others, beyond appearances. You can use these prompts to begin a conversation that helps children relate to and empathize with one another. Encourage your child to be the leader as well and come up with their own “I spy” statements for you to find.
• I spy… kids playing with toys. Can you find them?
• I with different feelings. What different feelings do you see?